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All members are subject to the New Brunswick Curling Association (NBCA) Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy

Carleton Curling Club Bylaws (approved April 2024)

Carleton Curling Club Code of Conduct (approved October 2022)

Member Volunteer Opportunities 

As a club run by its members, Carleton's volunteers are essential its success. Volunteering provides an opportunity for members to give back to their club and to the sport we love.

Current Opportunities

Ice Installation & Maintenance

Our dedicated Ice Team installs and maintains the ice and some volunteers are needed.  No prior experience necessary…you’ll be trained. Please contact the club at if you have any interest. Ice installation usually occurs in mid-October.


Help at a Bonspiel or Fun Night

We host three club bonspiels and a number of fun nights each season. We are looking for keen individuals help our bonspiel organizers or social committee chair with these club events. Please contact the club at if interested.



Do you want to be the most popular person in the room? Do you like to meet people?

If so, then consider being one of our volunteer bartenders! You must complete the New Brunswick Responsible Beverage training, and then we will train you on the bar. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!  Email and we will get you in touch with our Bar Chairperson.



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